Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Aunt Suzanne's Cubes 26/325

Lil Baby Suzanne

The Relation

Janet David (Dot) submitted this recipe, but I only think it fair to pay tribute to the name on the actual receipt, Aunt Suzanne. Suzanne (Suzie according to the handbook) would be my great-great-aunt, making her one of the OG 16. She is the second youngest child of Mama & Papa Weber. According to Julia Weber (Bud), Bud, her older brother, used to call her " Toots" like toot-toot of a train whistle.

The Process

I do not like pickles. Maybe this is one of those things where I just need to try them on 10 different occasions and build up a tolerance, but the smell, the texture, the whole idea of pickles is unnerving. Imagine my joyous reaction when I realized there was not one, not two, but nine pickle receipts. WHY??
Nothing like sugar & vinegar

Okay, pickle rant over. I figured I would leave the watermelon pickle receipts for summer, but I could at least tackle one of them now. Let me just tell you now, this one probably calls for a remake. We'll get to that later.

Overall, not a complicated receipt! You boil everything together and pour it over sliced cucumbers in a jar. I used a pint jar (because it is what I had on me). I wasn't sure exactly how to slice the cucumbers or how many I needed. I just tried to cut them so I could fit as many as I could in the jar. In hindsight, I probably should have cut them into cubes considering the name of the recipe...

I was able to fit 1.5 cucumbers into my pint jar and almost all of the pickling liquid (is there a real name for that stuff?). There were no instructions about what I should do next. So, I looked it up on the interwebs. Allegedly, I could just toss the whole jar into the fridge for five days and I would have
Definitely not cubes

The Feedback

To quote Roommate Lora "I don't know what this is, but it is certainly not a pickle." They certainly didn't look very pickley either. Roommate Lora also questioned if I used pickling cucumbers, which, of course, I didn't know existed? And perhaps I needed to let them pickle for longer??? And cut them up smaller??? SOS, family, please tell me how to fix these pickles. I need help.

As compact as possible

The Receipt

Janet David

¾ cup sugar
¾ cup vinegar
1 tsp curry
1 tsp salt

Bring to boil. Pour over sliced cucumbers packed in jars. Cool and refrigerate.


  1. It was 16 children, 14 lived to adulthood. We often leave out George Herman. He died when he was 7 years, thus the older children remembered him. But,of course, he did not live to contribute to The Receipts book. The other was Teep's twin who died when he was young. Keep up the WONDERFULL work. Stay Well. Love Bunches and Bunches of Wildflowers πŸŒ·πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ•Š, Cuz Julia

  2. Maddy, I know I have (somewhere)all 4 editions of CC Receipts. I believe that at some point with a later edition, a typo occurred with the recipe title. I believe it should be Aunt Suzanne's Cukes. After all, there is nothing cubed about them, and I think I remember that being the original title. Keep up the great work!
