Why receipt and not recipe?

Unfortunately, this was not a hilarious typo that has been continued for the last 40 years. The words are technically interchangeable in this context. For more information, I direct you to Merriam Webster's article "When a Recipe Was a Receipt"

What is the difference between second and third cousins versus relatives that are once or twice removed?

Alright - I am no expert, but here goes. When a relative is once-removed, that means they are separated by one generation from you. For instance, my father's cousin would be my cousin, once removed. Got it? Now, if this cousin had a child, that child would be my second cousin. First cousins share the same grandparents, while second cousins share the same great-grandparents, and so on and so forth.

What are outlaws?

Outlaws are in-laws, but we think we are hilarious and refer to them as outlaws. That's midwest humor for you.

What do you mean by "Gertrude>Henry>Zean"?

That would be my genealogy! Elizabeth and George Weber are my great-great-grandparents. Their daughter, Gertrude, had a child named Henry, who had a child named Zean, who had a child, who is me! You only include the direct descendant, no outlaws. It helps keep things straight when there are hundreds of us and many with the same name.

You have published one of my recipes and I want it taken down, POST-HASTE!

Hi, I am so sorry to have upset you! Please email me at mggassmann@gmail.com to request this. I have attempted to reach out to all cousins via the facebook page and ask if any recipes should not be published, but I understand that not everyone is keeping up with it.

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